sexta-feira, 3 de abril de 2009

Artefacts For Space Travel - Artefacts For Space Travel [2009]

Artefacts For Space Travel - Artefacts For Space Travel [2009]


"Like the Pixies after a high dose of morphine, the group are unpredictable, savage, demented… but ultimately great communicators. Their songs aren't simply jams: they're glimpses into a dark future, with heartbreaking melodies and all. Things come alive every time Joe Walsh unleashes his adolescent wail. It's endearing and lonely, touched with a sense of the genuine."

"a futuristic dystopia of panic stricken pop, contains all the sinister and occult vibrations that a Naked Lunch reader could ever wish to consume." Artrocker

AFST give us Inspiration to 'Recoop'.
Songs bend from noisy and growling psychedelia to panic stricken punk packed full of modern and haunting melodies. I’ve had “Recoop,” on repeat for the last week or so - Friction NYC

"Stolen Recordings are a label with an action plan for the UK rock underground, and with bands like Artefacts For Space Travel on their books the future is looking scarily cool." - Rough Trade

"Artefacts are three young dudes who play straight-up rock reminiscent of Nirvana and Pavement, but manage to contemporize in a way that makes it sound futuristic and sometimes spooky" - 'Sup Magazine

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